Are you a candidate for TMS?

  • You have been diagnosed with Depression by a physician or mental health provider.
  • You have tried two or more antidepressant medications without success.
  • You continue to suffer with the emotional heaviness and the lack of energy of depression even with medication and/or counseling.
  • You do not have a seizure disorder.
  • You do not have non-removable conductive metal in or near your head.
  • You are ready to try a six-week* treatment plan that may change your life.

Contact us today to explore a brighter future.

What To Expect From Your First Abilene TX TMS Session

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive, safe, effective and painless way to treat psychological disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder. It does this by stimulating certain parts of your brain that are underactive, which in turn releases neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Some patients feel the benefits of Abilene TX TMS after just one session!

TMS has been shown to effectively treat patients who have failed several antidepressant medications or traditional psychotherapy.

What To Expect

If you are about to start your first session at Abilene TX TMS Service, there are some things that you should know before you start.

First off, the first treatment is always the most difficult but also one of the most rewarding. You can feel an enormous sense of relief after your first round of treatments, but it's not always easy.

With that being said, here are some things you can expect from your first treatment:

1.Your Abilene TX TMS Service technician will give you earplugs to help you with the clicking sound of magnetic impulses.

2.If this is your first Abilene TX TMS therapy session, the technician will measure your head and put the magnetic coil at a place they think will work best. They will also take other measurements to make sure that you get the right settings on the Abilene TX TMS machine.

3.The Abilene TX TMS Service technician will start the treatment.

4.Magnetic impulses are released.

TMS side effects are uncommon but not serious. Here are some of the symptoms you may feel:

mild headaches



pain in parts of the scalp

pain in parts of the neck

twitching in parts of the face


altered cognition during treatment

The most common is to have headaches for the first few days following your treatment but it usually goes away after several treatments.

TMS from Abilene TX TMS Service is highly effective, but there is still a risk involved in receiving the treatment. The rare side effect of seizures can occur in 1% of patients who receive TMS courses regularly over time, according to PubMed Central.

You will receive your first round of treatments over a course of about six weeks lasting about 30 minutes per session.

After you complete all of your sessions, you will have a follow-up appointment to discuss the results. The reason why it takes months for Abilene TX TMS to take full effect is because depression affects different parts of the brain. That means your brain needs time to heal after treatment - it's not an overnight change.

Abilene TX TMS Service is Here To Help

Abilene TX TMS has been successful in reducing the symptoms of depression and other psychological disorders as well as improving aspects of cognition such as memory, information processing speed and executive functioning.

Beyond being a safe and effective treatment option, Abilene TX TMS can be highly rewarding for patients because it has been shown to help control their symptoms so they can return to work and become productive members of their community. For some patients, Abilene TX TMS has been a way to restart their lives. For others, Abilene TX TMS has been a way to combat the symptoms of depression and return to living life on their own terms.

If you are interested in learning more about Abilene TX TMS Service or if you would like to schedule a consultation, please call (325) 269-0250.

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